Monday, February 27, 2012

Level and Edge Triggered Programs

Level Triggered : The process "looks" at some data-structure/state and if it matches something, notifies the interested processes i.e. set some flag somewhere etc.e.g. time 0: no packets, time 1: packet, time 2: packet will cause only 2 level-triggers at time 1 and time 2.

Edge Triggered:  The process "looks"at some data-structure/state and sees if it has "changed" from the last time the process looked at it. If it has, notify other interested processes i.e. set some flag somewhere. e.g. time 0: no packets, time 1: packet, time 2: packet will cause only 1 edge-trigger at time 1.

Note here that "time" here means at the abstraction-level of "Software systems" i.e. the time a process "looks" at some data-structure. (i.e. the number of times a CPU instruction touched some abstraction (which is stored in memory (though the process may refer different memory locations at different instants))

I will describe how it works in the context of an edge-triggered vs a level-triggered epoll system call soon. The idea is that an edge-trigger is triggered once , which allows us to do reads etc in the context of a different thread without having to to fd_clr etc. Coming soon :-)

Ref: [1][2]

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thread Pools

As a quick recap, note that the linux kernel creates an object of the data structure called a "task". Both of what we call as processes and threads are really tasks that are "cloned" from this original task. fork() is one kind of cloning and kthread_create (pthread_create, (portable kernel thread create) API) is another kind of cloning. Multiple threads may share the virtual address space (and thus in turn Data sections, etc), but threads mostly have their own stacks.

A task is a unit of scheduling on by the linux scheduler.

Note that "process" is a task that has a "user level context". When "user level threads" are created, they do not call the clone system call and thus share the address space of the process. These kinds of user-level-threads are called lightweight processes.

One can, if one wants, instead of creating new a thread every time the client asks the server to perform some task, we can have a pool of threads -- what this means is that we can store the "context" (i.e. registers etc) in some place in RAM and toggle between these places with a pointer i.e. all the operating system needs to do to perform a thread switch, is to change the thread pointer (see this). This is essentially an optimization to save the overhead of creating and deleting threads.

Have a look at this link for a quick high-level intro of linux memory management.

Monday, February 13, 2012

On OAuth

I was pointed to this article, which made up read up more on OAuth. Will update more soon -- just making a note.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Video & Network Bitrates

Video encoding layer:
VBR - constant PSNR
CBR - variable PSNR

Network Layer
CBR - max packets/sec is constant over time
VBR - max packets/sec varies over time

For video over network
We can stream VBR over VBR, CBR over VBR, CBR over CBR; and VBR over CBR