Monday, August 27, 2012

Video Scrambling method had a nice view into how scrambling could be done (and in turn could be broken). Was good for my own info, so putting it up.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Linux Timers as to how timer-related-callbacks are implemented in Linux. This is something i have used in the past, though came across this page, so making a note for reference. 

SSH vs SSL vs IPSec

Friday, August 3, 2012

Design patterns

I have wondered for a while, why people keep talking about design patterns, and looks like i should have studied this long time back - reason - because if nothing else they are an effective benchmark to differentiate one language from another.

Have a look at this article by Paul Graham about how 2 different 1950 paradigms
  1. Lisp
  2. Fortran
Have been converging over the years.

Also, of course, i do not know all the patterns listed here, but learning them I suspect i have used some of these patterns without knowing their names, though good to know them formally.

Broadly speaking there are 3 types of design patterns [ ref: this ]

  1. Structural: patterns generally deal with relationships between entities, making it easier for these entities to work together. e.g. a Decorator which will add some tags to the URL based on context. 
  2. Creational: patterns provide instantiation mechanisms, making it easier to create objects in a way that suits the situation.e.g. Factory, similar to an adaptor/wrapper for "creating" different types of objects. Another example is the Singleton design pattern: here is a quick link for the difference between a singleton pattern and a static class (note that a static class is a concept that is in C#, not in C++). Singleton's lead to objects that can be passed as arguments etc
  3. Behavioral : patterns are used in communications between entities and make it easier and more flexible for these entities to communicate e.g. Strategy pattern, adapter/wrapper

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Suffix Tree and String matching

Just found out that there is a popular data structure to deal with substring kind of problems, called the "Suffix Tree". (constrast with "Prefix tree", which is used in longest prefix kind of problems)

Suffix tree can be constructed with the simple O($$n^2$$) algo (insert the "n" suffixes of a string with n chars into the tree creating a child wherever necessary) or with more advanced algorithms that can do it in O(n) ( The point is, once we have a suffix tree, we can execute several of these algorithms in linear time.
  1. Longest repeating substring: the node which is farthest away from the tree but which has degree > 1. 
  2. Longest substring which is also a palindrome:  to do this, we take te original string lets say abcac and concatenate it with itself reversed i.e. abcaccacba and run "longest repeating substring" 
  3. Longest common substring: where we concatenate 2 strings first e.g. abcd and bcd so as to get abcdbcd and now search for the node deepest down which has degree > 1. 
  4. Shortest substring that occurs only once: to answer this, we find the node with the shortest length that takes us to a leaf node. 
The intuition about the degree > 1 is that the fact that there is a branch at this node, means that there are at least 2 different suffixes of the string that have this node's value(i.e. the string formed by the characters as we traverse from root to this node) as its substring. This means that this node's prefix is part of both (or more) different suffixes, and thus is a "common substring".



Found this nice note on anti-aliasing. Adding for reference.