Friday, May 8, 2015


Lock modes

Picking it from Wikipedia (Distributed Lock Manager). Making a note basically:

Lock modes[edit]

A process running within a VMSCluster may obtain a lock on a resource. There are six lock modes that can be granted, and these determine the level of exclusivity of been granted, it is possible to convert the lock to a higher or lower level of lock mode. When all processes have unlocked a resource, the system's information about the resource is destroyed.
  • Null (NL). Indicates interest in the resource, but does not prevent other processes from locking it. It has the advantage that the resource and its lock value block are preserved, even when no processes are locking it.
  • Concurrent Read (CR). Indicates a desire to read (but not update) the resource. It allows other processes to read or update the resource, but prevents others from having exclusive access to it. This is usually employed on high-level resources, in order that more restrictive locks can be obtained on subordinate resources.
  • Concurrent Write (CW). Indicates a desire to read and update the resource. It also allows other processes to read or update the resource, but prevents others from having exclusive access to it. This is also usually employed on high-level resources, in order that more restrictive locks can be obtained on subordinate resources.
  • Protected Read (PR). This is the traditional share lock, which indicates a desire to read the resource but prevents other from updating it. Others can however also read the resource.
  • Protected Write (PW). This is the traditional update lock, which indicates a desire to read and update the resource and prevents others from updating it. Others with Concurrent Read access can however read the resource.
  • Exclusive (EX). This is the traditional exclusive lock which allows read and update access to the resource, and prevents others from having any access to it.
The following truth table shows the compatibility of each lock mode with the others:

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Root Certificate, Proxy and HTTPS (and HTTPS for CDN)

Quick note as to how proxies (such as CDN caching machines) can use HTTPS to enact a Man in the Middle.

End client lets say trying to talk HTTPS to through a proxy (e.g. a CDN server). In this case, if the proxy sends its own certificate as a "root" certificate either signed by itself, or signed by a trusted third party, and if that certificate is accepted by the client, then when the client tries to contact, client will first look at's certificate, but which in this case would be given by the proxy to the client and which uses proxy's public key for encryption. When the client encrypts using the proxy's public key, the proxy can decrypt and then send it over to google using google's public key (which came through the certificate that was sent by google to the proxy). This way, the proxy can intercept all HTTPS communication.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Quick Recap of J2EE

As can be seen here, a request for getting a jsp first reaches a web-server (e.g. apache). Apache checks up its virtualhost for the specified URL, identifies the document root, picks up the JSP, and then Apache then hands over the request via module mod_jk to Tomcat, whose job it is to do the following 

One can even look upon the processing as follows (taken from Wikipedia)
If one is looking at things from the J2EE model, one typically works with a MVC relationship between classes - the relationship works as follows (ill put up a picture on this soon).

Monday, February 16, 2015

Software Engineering

Making a list of some software engineering concepts and principles ive come across.

  • Decorator (wrapper where API of object being used is same as exposed)
  • Adaptor (wrapper but where API of object being used is different from exposed API)
  • Singleton (static object, private constructor)
  • Factory (when e.g. one needs to create an Matrix of different types based on the type specified in the constructor e.g.). See this 
  • Inversion of control e.g. the same example i described above for factory can be better implemented when each Matrix type is implementing an interface (or extending virtual classes) and when the factory class's constructor is created, the concrete object is passed, and then appropriate functions can be called). See this
  • Definition of "static" keyword in C++: this keyword has 3 uses. limit scope within translation unit, retain value across function calls, do not be part of object instances