Saturday, March 6, 2010

Now whats with this another blog

Aims at two goals
  1. The other blog is meant to be a "lessons learnt", i.e. as such i do not intend to write stuff there unless i have spent a significant time thinking about stuff, so the half-baked ideas i am hoping to put them up here, why all this fuss about making this stuff public, when i can as well make all of this private ? Well, a couple of reasons -- making it public increases my stake in this stuff (making me actually revisit these ideas) and the idea of putting this online is because i find it convenient to put up links to pages this way (e.g. Wikipedia, other pages, papers etc.).
  2. Also, another secret goal is to work on Mathematics & related issues in Computer Science, EE, and other areas that i face professionally, i.e. intend not to put high-level philosophy talk here.
This blog is just my personal blog (in a manner similar to the blogs of others)

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