Thursday, December 5, 2019

Types of Models

There are 3 types of models that we do (ref:

  1. Iconic
  2. Analog
  3. Symbolic
    1. mathematical
    2. logical 
    3. adhoc
What was interesting for me here is that so far, I have looked upon models as Icons connected by symbolic logic e.g. via rules of logical inference (based on Set theory)

Monday, December 2, 2019

Interesting Personalities in Distributed Systems and Netwoking

I grew up not much interested in Science and Mathematics but my interest in those fields was piqued by a famous personality by the name Richard Feynman by reading the book : "Surely you are joking Mr. Feynman". This book somehow made me realize that mathematics and physics can be fun !

Similarly my interest in the fields of Signal processing, and computational theory and algorithms was guided by my teacher during undergrad. (Udayan Kanade), and subsequently I got interested in Computer Architecture, Video Encoding, Video Streaming, Algorithms, Optimization, Game Theory etc.

Over years, I have been trying to find out similar personalities that would get me interested in the fields of Networking and Distributed Systems. Here are some colorful personalities in the field of distributed Systems

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Types of cache

Quick reminder about the 2 types of cache
(1) Lookaside Cache (note how Memcache uses the concept of Lease)
(2) Inline/Write through cache. (TAO is an example of a read-through, write-through cache)